Thursday, March 4, 2010

Newest Additions to the House

We have lived in this house for about a year and a half and I love it just as much as the day I moved in. It is so nice not to be under construction. At the old house, "projects" would include living with plastic walls for months on end or gutting the kitchen. In this house, "projects" include adding a new piece of furniture or painting a room. Nice change, if I do say so! Paul is equally happy with the change (or lack of nagging). So here are a few things that we have done this past month. First, finished (well, not finished) decorating the bedroom. It took me forever to find something that would fit in this "dead space" in our bedroom. I have yet to eat grapes on it. (but looks to me as if it should happen) And I finally ordered, after much persuasion on Michelle's part, a sacred groove picture. LOVE IT!

Second, put some color in Wyatt's "Hawaii" room. Michelle (while enduring braxton-hicks contractions) and Grandma (age 94) came over and we tackled this fun project. One would have to question my choice of help, but to that I say, BEST free help around! HA HA! I'm kidding. We made surf boards and painted the colored stripes on the wall. Michelle had a trick that was AMAZING for the textured walls & tape. We did not have to even touch up paint. We pulled the tape off and PERFECTION! This is exciting because most of our attempts at creativity...let's just say, FAIL. We even made note of that during the process. "Umm, something has got to go wrong, this is not like us, it is all working out." Pleasantly surprised, indeed. Oh and Wyatt really didn't care. Truth be told, wasn't really for him anyway!

Warm Fuzzies

Last Sunday, our Relief Society teacher reminded us of a talk that President Monson gave last November. He was being interviewed and when asked what he wanted for his birthday, he said he would like each of us to, "Find someone who is having a hard time or is ill or lonely, and do something for him or her." He then went on to tell how people from all over the world made his birthday wish come true. One group gave him a jar of "warm fuzzies". Children each week came to church and put pom poms into a jar for each good deed they did for someone else. Elena had a great idea to use this for Family Home Evening. So we started our warm fuzzy jar. We discussed different ways that we can earn warm fuzzies. When I went around to the kids, each could muster up at least one nice thing that they had done that day. When it was Paul's turn, he stated that he had the opportunity to punch someone and chose to refrain. Wow, great help Schoenrock! It may take a while to fill the jar! Today Wyatt and I were walking into Target and a lady with a sleeping little girl on her shoulder was loading her car. We went over and helped put the boxes in her trunk and took her cart. As we walked away, Wyatt said, "good job - we get a warm fuzzy." Nice to see a FHE lesson in action!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


OK! This time I mean it...I have said that it has snowed two times this winter but, this time I'm serious! It really snowed...Idaho style! (reminded me of my winter at Ricks) What a beautiful day. I decided to set myself in front of a window and read a book and glance up and just watch the snow fall. It came in such beautiful, big, flakes. I dare say, breathtaking. The kids got out of school early. (benefit of living in a state where the world shuts down at the thought of snow) The first thing Barret did was test out the trampoline. Yep, FUN!

Of course, Wyatt threw the first snow ball!
Please note the poor Texas boy with no gloves! Without me knowing, he went inside and put hot water on them! :( He put gloves on after that.
We had to make 3 snowmen!
The only downside to the snow was that Paul missed it! He NEVER goes out of town and the week it decides to snow was the week he was in sunny Florida. He was SO sad that he missed out on the fun. Maybe next year.