Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm Bragging and I don't Care!

Just in case I didn't know how lucky I was to have an amazing daughter, last week happened. The Chupacabras, Taylor's soccer team, won first place and moved on to district. They played two amazing games and Taylor scored the winning goal! So they were semi-finalists-this meant games on Sunday. Arggg! Taylor LOVES soccer and loves this team. They have been playing together for 5 seasons. Without even a thought, Taylor told us she wouldn't play on Sunday. It was so hard for Paul and I... But once again, she chose the right and decided to go to church instead. Who is this kid? The Chups won one and lost one putting them in 4th place!
Go Chupacabras! We've come a long way, baby!
THEN, Monday was her awards day at school. The girl raked them in! She got all A honor roll, student of the month for honesty and cooperation, the art award and the big dog of all awards....(drum roll) OUTSTANDING 6th grade girl. As she was getting the last award, all the other girls yelled out "and best dressed!" I think she liked the unofficial award the best.

Monday, May 10, 2010

I'm an Aunt again!

Who knew something so small and wonderful was in there! ha ha!
Michelle @ 38 weeks.
(Hey, note Mom's BEAUTIFUL new house in the background.
She is chomping at the bit to move in!) Bennett Taft German
May 6, 2010 @ 1:05 am
8 lbs 10 oz & 20 1/2"
cutest chubby cheeks ever!
Well, he made it! Bennett has been trying to come into this world too early for months now. Michelle has had to take medicine, shots once a week, ultrasounds every other week, and then the ultimate naughty word for all pregnant women...BED REST. It all worked, because Michelle made it to 39 weeks and was induced Wednesday. It was so fun! Mom, Kiley & I were able to witness Danny and Michelle add one more to their family. Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! We got there at five pm and he was in our arms at 1 am. It was so exciting. Michelle's epidural worked (third time is a charm) and she was able to relax. She was feeling pretty good, when all the sudden she cries, "It's not working anymore! It hurts!" The nurse came in and said it was time to push. Two HORRIFIC pushes and out pops chubby Bennett. Oh, I tear up thinking about it! He is so wonderful.
This is Luke asking, "Do you have another Bennett in there?" so nice to hear after giving birth!
Oh, and so nice of your sister to share this on her blog :o)

The German Family
Rylee brought mommy flowers and Luke brought Bennett two of his old, dirty blankets he carries around and a spiderman movie! So sweet...